Su Compagne (Su Fratelli)


Anonymous Song in rustic Florentine inspired by the death of Sante Geronimo Caserio, an Italian baker and anarchist, who assassinated French President Sadi Carnot on June 24, 1894. Sentenced to death by the Rhone Court of Assizes on August 3, he was guillotined on August 4.


Su compagne pugnamo(-o) da for(-or)ti
Contro_i vili tiranni(-i) borghe(-e)si
Ma come fece(-e) Caserio e compa(-a)gni
Che la morte(-e) l’andiede_a incontrà.

[_] Non vogliamo più servi e padro(-o)ni
[_] L’eguaglianza sociale(-e) voglia(-a)mo
Ma quelle terre(-e) che noi la(-a)voria(-a)mo
A noi tutti(-i) le spese(-e) ci fa.

[_] La mia testa schiacciate(-e)la pu(-u)re
[_] Disse | Caserio agli_inquisi(-ei)si suo(-o)i
[_] Ma l’anarchia è più forte(-e) de tuoi(-i)
Presto presto(-o) shiacciarvi(-i) dovrà.

[_] La mia testa schiacciatela pure
[_] Disse – Caserio agli inquisisi suoi
[_] Ma l’anarchia è più forte de tuoi
Presto presto schiacciarvi dovrà.

English translation

Companions, stand up!  Let’s fight with courage against the cowardly bourgeois tyrants  as Caserio and his comrades did who went to their death.

No more servants, no more masters we want social equality but these lands we plow we pay with our lives.

Crush my head if you want said Caserio to his judges  but anarchy is stronger than you soon it will crush you.

Crush my head if you want said Caserio to his judges  but anarchy is stronger than you soon it will crush you.
